Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Alabama, Skyline is a quaint, peaceful town that captures the heart of the rural Southeast. Covering just over 4 square miles, this small, inviting town is enveloped by beautiful stretches of woodlands, creating a truly captivating natural setting. Reminiscent of times gone by, Skyline harbors a close-knit community, with a population that barely scratches 1,000, where everyone knows everyone else. This charming town offers a tranquil rural lifestyle with enduring, small-town values, while its proximity to larger cities like Huntsville provides access to urban conveniences just a drive away. Rich with natural beauty, Skyline legitimately showcases the appeal of rural Alabama.
Moss Motor Company is Skyline's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 1000 South Cedar Avenue, South Pittsburg, TN 37380.